But like so many before him, he immediately sets upon the “I-love-you-go-away” dance that some of our creepier recent romances have indulged in. He flirts with her, agreeing to a photo session for the paper followed by a coffee date.

She reads off the interview questions, but Christian immediately takes a pointed interest in Anastasia. Anastasia is young and attractive, but she is also fragile, naïve and clumsy. She enters his office and immediately trips, falling flat on her face.

But you would think someone would need to be on death’s door to pass on an interview with world famous, enigmatic billionaire Christian Grey (Jamie Dornan).Īnastasia arrives at Christian’s business and is ushered around by a staff that seems to be made up entirely of attractive women. True, nobody in this film is allowed to look beneath a certain level of glamour.

It should be noted that while Kate might not feel well, she doesn’t look as if she is an invalid. As a favor to her sick roommate Kate (Eloise Mumford, who is good in her supporting role), she agrees to fill in at an important interview for the college paper. She is about to graduate from a prestigious university and is now optimistically looking at an uncertain future. Really, that’s her name and it’s far from the most ridiculous thing in the film. Right away, we know we are in a Neverland of romance tropes as we meet our main character, Anastasia Steele (Dakota Johnson). The question is whether this is the rare film that vastly improves on its dodgy source material (such as Clint Eastwood’s film of THE BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY) or whether it is the same old claptrap given studio sheen? While the two leads as well as the director are relatively new to being thrust into a spotlight of this intensity, it appears as though every effort has been made to give the story a sense of class. The film FIFTY SHADES OF GREY arrives with a shocking amount of pedigree. Instead, it is about an abusive relationship in which a domineering sociopath attempts to bribe and manipulate a young woman into giving up her free will in exchange for gifts and small demonstrations of affection. Because while there are plenty of healthy BDSM relationships out there, FIFTY SHADES OF GREY is not about that. And I hope to God none of them ever finds him. James’ erotic novel still long for their own Christian Grey. More than a book, it became fuel for fantasy. Cinematographer: Seamus McGarvey.įIFTY SHADES OF GREY was one of those books that come around every decade or so, the type that reads so horribly to someone like me, but develops a huge fan base that can’t be denied.